Past Film Screenings

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Cinema of the Bearded Heart: Film Dada

December 10, 2014

Northwest Film Forum
Seattle, WA

An evening of Dada short films shown with live accompaniment by cellist Lori Goldston. Films by Viking Eggeling, Hans Richter, Man Ray, Fernand Léger & Dudley Murphy, and René Clair. Also shown: Un Chien andalou (1929).

The next night, we presented a companion screening of Hans Richter’s feature film, Dreams That Money Can Buy (1948).

A reprise of this Dada film program was also presented in 2018 (with extensive program notes).

Poster (version 1) for Cinema of the Bearded Heart: Film Dada (Dec. 2014)Poster (version 2) for Cinema of the Bearded Heart: Film Dada (Dec. 2014)